Chat Tu Mi & Color
Chat Tu Mi & Colour is the first Jamaican-themed colouring of its kind combining Jamaican proverbs, line drawings as well as introducing the formal writing system for Jamaican, or what many refer to as Jamaican Patois. The book encapsulates 20 worded pages with accompanying drawings that highlight various aspects of our culture: food, landmarks/places, livelihoods, customs, sports, and life’s realities and more.
The book is suitable for persons interested in raising multicultural children, persons looking for diverse content, for children aged 8-10 years old and adults interested in Jamaican culture and for persons interested in learning Jamaican patois/ Jamaican Creole.
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 44 pages
Publisher: Amashika & Associates Limited
Language: English
ISBN: 987-976-654-018-0
Product Dimensions: 10 inches x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.5 pound